rocket88: The father's wishes regarding the work were left to the mother to execute
I don't recall this. Source?
I'm honestly curious and can't hunt it down at the moment.
I was pretty surprised to hear he's torn about this at all.
Dmitri has generally been fiercely protective of Nabokov, his privacy and wishes, and from various interactions of his I've seen has had no problem fighting to see them respected.
If you can get your hands on a copy of Pia Pera's Lo's Diary, his contribution is amazing. Though he lost a fight to keep the book from being published, he managed to win the right to include a preface, which he largely spends talking about how much he tried to prevent the thing happening and what a cheap piece of shit he thinks it is. Oh, and a cut of the proceeds, which are redirected to a philanthropic organization.
As much as I would love to see Laura published, I've always fully expected him to go through with destroying it, and think I'd be vaguely disappointed if he didn't. I'd still read it, though.
rocket88: The father's wishes regarding the work were left to the mother to execute I don't recall this. Source? I'm honestly curious and can't hunt it down at the moment.
posted by Placeholder for an ex-monkey 17 years ago
I was pretty surprised to hear he's torn about this at all. Dmitri has generally been fiercely protective of Nabokov, his privacy and wishes, and from various interactions of his I've seen has had no problem fighting to see them respected. If you can get your hands on a copy of Pia Pera's Lo's Diary, his contribution is amazing. Though he lost a fight to keep the book from being published, he managed to win the right to include a preface, which he largely spends talking about how much he tried to prevent the thing happening and what a cheap piece of shit he thinks it is. Oh, and a cut of the proceeds, which are redirected to a philanthropic organization. As much as I would love to see Laura published, I've always fully expected him to go through with destroying it, and think I'd be vaguely disappointed if he didn't. I'd still read it, though.
posted by Placeholder for an ex-monkey 17 years ago
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